DCS World
- AGM-154A now corrected for wind conditions
- Increased draw distance of static objects to compare to AI/Player objects
- Increased draw distances of Map objects
- Kuznetsov carrier. The AI aircraft will takeoff with the “takeoff from ramp” (parking hot) type of start.
- Su-34. Default payload with X-59M displayed incorrectly in simulation fixed.
- DCS can be closed by pressing Close window in taskbar.
- The render distance of the static objects in the optics devices is adjusted.
- F10 map view will not show a small caliber shells.
- ME. When you copy and paste a group with EPLRS tasking the group Id tied to the task will be changing.
- SSE. world.getMarkPanels is returning correctly.
- CAP-9M adjusted mass and drag index.
- Logbook. Fixed A-A kills scoring issue.
DCS: F/A-18C
- Added work-in-progress AGM-84D Harpoon in BOL mode (for single player first)
- AGM-65F IR Option WHT/BLK now only changes proper elements and not entire screen
- TGP WIDE/NAR HOTAS command no longer changes MAV FOV when TGP is selected
- FLIR – LTD/R – LST Key Assignments now available in Options
- EXPAND will close when target is lost
- EXPAND will not affect the Radar causing loss of targets
- SCS Depress no longer controls Point/Area Track selection
- Added Litening Pod to centerline station in single missions.
- AIM9 boresight reticle restored.
- Laser latch function works in different way randomly fixed.
- AGM-65F will be possible to fire when if it’s slaved by pod.
- TGP Zoom will not controls Radar elevation in FLIR page.
- Added input commands for FLIR, LTD/R, LST/NFLR switches.
- Digital Map: electric circuit, TV screen condition for camera fixed.
- Moving map fixed after GPS warmed up.
DCS: Fw 190 D-9
- Turn indicator working again
DCS F-14B by Heatblur Simulations
- Slightly increased G at which wing structural failure will occur
- Adjusted pitch moments for flaps, speedbrake and power
- Adjusted yaw damping with flaps down
- Fixed wing sweep program indicator in bomb mode
- Bomb mode now doesn’t stick
- ASH better handles spawn heading errors on carrier
- Fixed INS drift due to DCS reporting different aircraft heading before and after spawn.
- Fixed ASH wrong wind calculations, fixes bomb fall line inaccuracy at high wind speeds.
- Installed anti-lag filter in the INS alignment routines – should reduce INS drift from lags.
- Fixed afterburners being invisible – pending further improvement
- Fixed invisible RIO DDD lights
- Fixed invisible TID HCU lights
DCS C-101 by AvioDev
- Fixed rear map box cover, now it doesn’t open when activating rear canopy jettisoning lever.
- Further work on multicrew sync for canopies, will be totally fixed in the next update.
- Throttles step movement input commands will work.
- Better shadow bias and sampling.
- Increased shadow map resolution on high option.
- Optimizing bias for terrain shadow map.
- Adaptive splitting of shadow cascade for camera near and cockpit view, optimized shadow map sampling.
DCS WWII Assets Pack
- KDO.G.40 corrected.
- Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulation. Corrected custom livery scripts of P-51D.
- A-10C BFT Campaign by Maple Flag. Mission BFT09 – Updated pattern altitude trigger.
- FC3: F-15C campaign. Added missing voice-over to mission 00. Adjusted success criteria for mission 03 to be less restrictive.
Known issues:
AGM-84D “Harpoon” in multiplayer flies with wrong trajectory
Trees shadows quality is degraded